
Monday, May 20, 2002

Title: reMix
Author: Jon Courtnenay Grimwood
Publisher: Earthlight

It starts with a kidnapping, rich and spoilt girl with mega bad attitude is taken as she arrives for school on the moon. The girl is LizAlec, daughter of the enforcer for the Napoleonic empire. As though her mother didn't have enough to worry about, an Azerbaijani Jihad nano virus is sweeping Europe and Paris is under siege from the Black Hundreds of the Fourth Reich. So against her better judgement she releases Fixx from her prisons - the has-been mixer, once was the superstar who LizAlec had been seeing - gives him the job of bringing LizAlec back.

Rapid paced sex and violence, caught up in a trail of wrong turns and bred killing machines, add a dash of bitter revenge and you are getting a feel for reMix. Flecked with cultural references, like mixes of Wagner/Petty/Goldie or some such, extracting from the now to a possible then. Contrast with a few historical mixes, the return of the Napoleonic age under a Napoleonic emperor or the rise of fascist horde as a bored fashion statement/sign of the times. Then of course there are drugs and cults, because every good speculation needs them, because people need these things in the ever present.

May 2002

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