
Friday, December 20, 2002

Title: Dark Light
Author: Ken MacLeod
Publisher: Orbit

Dark Light is the second in Ken MacLeod's Engines Of Light trilogy. He is working as a tighter trilogy than his previous works which had a more tenuous link over the course of their development. In Cosmonaut Keep we followed the threads of Matt Cairns and Gregor Cairns - one on earth making the first step into space the other his descendent on an alien planet. This set up the backdrop of the Second Sphere, a collection of earth like planets populated by human's and other Adamic races who have been transported there by the power of aliens so powerful they are referred to as gods. The group of Cosmonauts from the first book are the first humans to arrive in the Second Sphere under their own power, and as such are somewhat revolutionary in the scheme of things.

With Dark Light Gregor and Matt and their crew have got the Bright Star flying again for the first time since their arrival 200 years before. A fact which causes yet more controversy in the sphere, especially amongst the recalcitrant Saurs - who are the image of our classic "grey" alien and unwilling to share their more advanced technology. But when the goals of the Bright Star - a plan to talk to the gods and demand answers - are revealed, tensions reach a new high.

With this series MacLeod is dealing with a variety of ideas - from the classic ideas of alien visitations and a creation myth to his more scientific/social revolutions. Recurring themes in MacLeod's work are anarchism and communism and they appear again here, brought to a head in political upheaval and revolutionary action. Mixed in with interstellar travel, extended life spans and a potential war among gods.

Starting with the introduction of a new planet, populated by stone age and steam age communities MacLeod brings us up to speed with a surprising velocity so that Dark Light becomes a rush of narrative quite quickly. The only criticism is the way he deals with Gregor and Elizabeth from the first book, they are present here, but are entirely side lined in a way that doesn't quite fit in. Though the lead that is provided by Matt is retained and built upon, a character which builds upon the ideas set up with the run from The Star Fraction through The Stone Canal and The Cassini Division to The Sky Road.

December 2002

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